Photo Editor for Windows | PolarrDownload

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Access: Use same pro account to unlock all platforms
Limit: Up to 5 users on iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Web
Auto: smart enhance for all adjustments
Crop: Flip, custom crop ratio, rotate, resize
Color: Temperature, tint, vibrance, saturation
Light: Dehaze, exposure, brightness, contrast
Light: Highlights, shadows, whites, blacks, diffuse
Detail: Clarity, sharpen
Effect: Fringing, pixelate, diffuse, invert
Vignette: Amount, highlights, roundness, feather
Lens: Distortion, horizontal, and vertical perspective
HSL: Hue, saturation, luminance for 8 color channels
Curves: Master, blue, red, green channels
Toning: Highlight and shadow tone, tone balancing
Grains: Amount, highlights, size, roughness
Border: Smart border with automatic color suggestions
Perspective: 8 point based free distortion control
LUT: Import and export 3D Lut (iOS 11 or above)
Denoise (Color and Luminance)
Depth mask: Adjust photo based on depth from dual camera
Brush mask: Draw your mask with edge aware capability
Color mask: Selective adjustment with color
Radial mask: Circular adjustment over your photo
Gradient mask: Adjusting photo over a gradient
Luminance mask: Selective adjustment based on brightness
Fine-tuning tools: blur, feathering, invert, etc
Blending: Mix any local adjustment mask with an overlay
Stacking: Unlimited stacking of local adjustments.
Filters: 14 basic filter presets (8-10 each)
Custom Filter: Create, import through image or QR code
Premium Filters: 12 emulation presets (8-10 each)
Filter sync: Backup and restore custom filters
Auto: Smart enhance and face detection (iOS / macOS / Windows)
Face: Skin, eye, nose, month, teeth, chin (iOS / macOS / Windows)
Liquify: Wrap pinch, bulge, restore, size, strength
Spot removal: Heal, clone, feather, opacity
Text: Format, blending, font, distortion, etc
Shape: Type, size, blending, opacity, color, etc
Preset overlay: Leak, flare, sky, cloud, weather, dusts
Custom overlay: stacking, import, backdrops
Toning: Graduent, dual-tone
Blending: 12 blending modes, transfer blending
Masking: Eraser, brush, radial, gradient, color, depth
Workspace: History tracking, infinite undo and redo
Histogram: Expandable 3 band histograms, EXIF viewer
Customization: Two workspaces, theming, rearranging tools
3D touch: Sense pen / finger for brush pressure (iOS only)
Orientation: Landscape / portrait workspace with locks
Tutorials: 12 embedded interactive walkthroughs
Recording: Toggle to display touch and drags in app
Watermark: Size, location, custom assets, opacity, angle
Export: File format, compression rate, rezie, metadata
Batch export: Batch rename, resize, apply filters, etc
Extensions: Apple Photos Extensions (macOS / iOS)
Dual camera: Support portrait mode photos (iOS only)

Polarr is free,
but members get premium filters,all-platform apps,color mask,overlays,double exposure,batch exports,depth mask,Photos extension,brush mask,3D LUTs,radial mask,filter sync,sky simulation,flares.

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filter, style, preset, editing, editor, effect, photo, photography, lens, edit, beauty, retouch, face, polarr